DACC Pool Rules
Obey the lifeguard’s instruction at ALL times.
All swimmers must wear bathing suits.
Children under 12 must be supervised by an adult at poolside or in the water.
Children using personal floatation devices must be supervised by a parent or guardian (adult 18 or older) who is willing to enter the water with the child and remain within arm’s reach.
Balls and noodles may be used at the discretion and direction of the lifeguard.
Patrons may be asked to demonstrate their swimming ability before entering the deep water.
No running, pushing, or horesplay.
Dive only in designated areas.
No glass containers or food of any kind is permitted in the pool area.
No alcohol or drug use of any kind.
Do not sit or hang on lane lines.
Lap swimmers may use kick-boards, hand paddles, pull buoys, masks, and fins and snorkels for swimming in lanes.
Starting blocks may only be used in scheduled practices, competitions, and for instruction when supervised by a coach or instructor.
If thunder is heard or lightning is seen the pool will be closed for at least 20 minutes.